October 31, 2009


My best friend, Alva Williams, was just sworn in as a Traveler's Rest police officer. If you have ever met Alva, you know what an incredible man he is. He has overcome many obstacles in his life including a broken home, an amputation, job losses and foreclosures. But he has never lost his courage and his faith that God is in control. He is always kind, giving, and encouraging.
Police Chief Lance Crowe explains, “You know, you feel good after Alva’s been around. He enters a room, brightens it up, makes people feel good and he leaves and you still have that feeling. He’s very encouraging."

Alva had always thought about being a police officer. He attempted in New York and failed the test. Years later he tried for the opening in Traveler's Rest. He was excepted as a recruit but couldn't pass the physical tests due to his leg. Twice he tried and failed. But if you know Alva, you know of his belief that through God ALL things are possible. He kept training and finally passed the test. He has now become the first police officer in South Carolina history to graduate the Academy with an above-the-knee prosthetic leg! The SC police academy created a new award, The SC Police Academy Award for Courage, and Alva was the first ever recipient.

We are all so proud of you Alva! Congratulations!

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