Our federal government has recently tried hard to guarantee our prosperity. It attempted to purchase jobs with taxpayer money to stimulate a recession economy. I have written about it here, here, and here. In February they projected how many jobs they could create with the 787 Billion dollars they borrowed from the FED. We are about halfway through the time period they had given themselves so I wanted to look at each state to see the results (click to enlarge):

1 out of the 50 states has had an increase in jobs! Wow. I understand why politicians think they can solve every problem, and why they promise the world to get us to vote for them. What I don't understand is why we keep giving them the power to do so!
Government is absolutely necessary in society, without it there is anarchy and the strong will rule over and usually enslave the weak. However, when government exceeds its boundaries and takes responsibilities it should not have, it allows the politically connected to rule the common man and places us all in bondage.
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