I must admit, I am more exited about watching the Chicago Bears this next NFL season than I have been for a while. Even more exited than the year after the Bears were in the Super Bowl against the Colts. The defense has always been solid and a joy to watch, special teams is outstanding and always a game changer, decent receivers and running backs usually... the Achilles' heal of the Bears has been the quarter back. Rex Grossman had a good arm, but missed the mark in the accuracy and was terrible at decision making. I would end up with ulcers and a nervous twitch if I had to watch Rex QB every year. When he unloaded a deep pass you held your breath, you never knew if a bears uniform
or the opponent would show up on the camera when the ball came back down. Kyle Orton had good solid play, but he could not threaten deep which made it too easy on the opponents defense to crowd the line.

Jay Cutler is this years promise to change all that. Jay brings the whole package and has proven he can deliver. I hope this gives the offense the confidence they need. I would love to see Hester grab a couple 30 yard passes as they drop right over his shoulder in full stride.... paydirt!
But I recognize the odds are against us. Brett Favre started for Greenbay from 1992 to 2007.
In that time the Chicago Bears started the following quarterbacks:
1992: Harbaugh, Peter Tom Willis, Will Furrer
1993: Harbaugh, Willis
1994: Erik Kramer, Steve Walsh
1995: Kramer
1996: Kramer, Dave Kreig
1997: Kramer, Rick Mirer
1998: Kramer, Steve Stenstrom, Moses Moreno
1999: Shane Matthews, Cade McNown, Jim Miller
2000: McNown, Matthews, Miller
2001: Miller, Matthews
2002: Miller, Chris Chandler, Henry Burris
2003: Kordell Stewart, Chandler, Rex Grossman
2004: Grossman, Jonathan Quinn, Craig Krenzel, Chad Hutchinson
2005: Kyle Orton, Grossman
2006: Grossman
2007: Grossman, Brian Griese, Orton
So, while I am exited, I think one can understand why my expectations are not that high.
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